From the course: Transition from Teaching to Your New Career Opportunity

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How to stay the course

How to stay the course

- Did you know, on average, it takes a person five to six months to find a new job? When looking for a job, some people get really lucky and land a job instantly. But for most people, this can be a long, discouraging process. But here's the great thing, each time you fill out a new job application or make updates to your resume and interview, you're getting that much better each time. When it comes to finding a new job, it's important that you stay positive and you stay the course. As a founder of a startup company, when launching a new product, it's critical for us to make rapid iterations in order to make the product better and for us to achieve our goals. It gives startups an almost unfair advantage, as our products are improving at rapid speeds. How can you improve your job search, to help achieve your goals and speed up the process? Remember our video about digital networking? What are you waiting for? Get out…
