From the course: Tips for Better Business Writing

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Proofread your writing

Proofread your writing

- Most readers make judgements and assumptions about a writer based on what they see on the page or on the screen. In fact, a survey I did a few years ago shows that when people see errors, they form a negative impression of the writer and also of the writer's employer. Error-free writing shows respect, consideration, and attention to detail, whereas lots of errors could signal that the writer might not care about your business. Most errors can be caught with a careful proofread. First issue, and I caution all of my workshop participants about this one, make sure you're clear on both categories of misused words. Spellcheck can't easily catch these mistakes. The first category includes the it's/it's, your/your their/theirs, and more. No choice, you got to get these right. Getting them wrong will impact your credibility. The second category of misused words includes ones like principle and principle, affect and effect, advise and advice. You have a choice to use them and be sure you're…
