From the course: Thriving as a Project Manager in the Age of AI

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Embracing the role of AI in project management

Embracing the role of AI in project management

From the course: Thriving as a Project Manager in the Age of AI

Embracing the role of AI in project management

- AI has arrived and it's here to stay. Project management is at a crossroads, and the choices you make about embracing AI will define your path forward. Imagine this: a scenario where you've fully adopted AI. You're treating it as a member of your team. It's automating routine tasks, such as sending reminders to the team. It's crunching numbers to prepare the commentary for your project status updates for leadership. And it's analyzing historical data to predict risks for your project. All in all, freeing up time for you to think strategically about how to improve the outcomes for your project, or perhaps, take a team member out for coffee who needs a little motivation. In this scenario, your project's humming, your team is in sync, leading to successful project delivery and happy stakeholders. On the flip side, you could resist AI and keep relying on traditional methods where you're bypassing automation for…
