From the course: Thriving as a Project Manager in the Age of AI

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Create a future-proof personal development plan

Create a future-proof personal development plan

From the course: Thriving as a Project Manager in the Age of AI

Create a future-proof personal development plan

- "Plans are worthless, but planning is everything." This quote by United States President Eisenhower, is one of my favorites. It talks about the reality that rarely do things go according to plan, but you should still build the plans because when unexpected situations arise, you'll be able to adapt quickly without falling off the rails. Situations like when AI disrupts the way we work. In the previous video, we talked about understanding your areas of growth in the context of AI and project management as input to developing your personal development plan. Remember, the context that I'm referring to are the four themes of this course, embracing AI in project management, cultivating strong relationships, diversifying your project management experience, and developing your project management knowledge. And now that you have clarity on where to improve in these areas, you are ready to take the next step of building your plan.…
