From the course: Theory for the Contemporary Guitarist

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The major scale

The major scale

- A scale is a series of notes arranged in a particular pattern of whole steps and half steps. The pattern for a major scale is always the same, whole, whole, half, whole, whole, whole, half. In your early experiences with music, you were probably introduced to the sound of the major scale using the song "Doe A Deer." In that song, we use do re mi fa sol la and ti for the different notes or scale degrees. Each note in a scale is called a scale degree. Now take a look at the C Major scale on the screen or on page 17 of your book. Here, we can see that the distance from C to D is a whole step. (guitar rings) From D to E we have a whole step. (guitar rings) From E to F we have a half step. (guitar rings) From F to G we have a whole step. (guitar rings) The distance from G to A in another whole step. (guitar rings) We have yet another whole step from A to B. (guitar rings) And finally, we end with a half…
