From the course: Theory for the Contemporary Guitarist

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Soloing over the blues: Mixolydian approach

Soloing over the blues: Mixolydian approach

From the course: Theory for the Contemporary Guitarist

Soloing over the blues: Mixolydian approach

- So now that we've made it to this portion of the video, I think it's a great time to start to apply some of the theory that we've been working on thus far. So let's take that blues progression that I played earlier. This blues progression is an A blues progression, but we use chords that aren't derived neccesarily from the key of A. The five chord, E7, is in the key of A major. But the one chord, A7, and the four chord, D7, are not diatonically in the key of A major. So the way that we would handle this is by using our modes to be able to improvise over these chords individually. So for the A7 chord, we would play material that comes out of the A mixolydian mode. For the D7 chord, I play information that comes from the D mixolydian mode. And on the E7 chord, I'd play out of the sound of E mixolydian. So what I'm going to do right now is play a one chorus solo over that exact same progression using the mixolydian modes…
