From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Too realistic or too fake (foundation)

Too realistic or too fake (foundation)

From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

Too realistic or too fake (foundation)

- Jo, what are we doing right now? - Right now? - Yeah. - Well, we're drinking tea. - What else? - Well, we're supposed to be teaching a course. - Yes, and...? - I don't know, I give up. - We're talking. - Oh, how could I forget, we're always talking. - Yes. And when we talk about talking in fiction, it's called dialogue. - Of course, and everybody knows that great dialogue makes great fiction. - But, how do we write dynamic dialogue? - Well, that's what this section is all about. - [Brunette Instructor] The writer, Allison Amend, once said this, in an essay about Dialogue in Fiction: I've been a lot of bad dates. A lot. Some were blind dates; some I wish I had been blind for. But what amazes me is that the more I learn about fiction, and the more I learn about dating, the more they seem eerily parallel. Why? Because dialogue is they key to a successful date, and, I would argue, to successful fiction. There is nothing worse than sitting over a plate of cooling penne with nothing to…
