From the course: The Foundations of Fiction

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Show and tell (foundation)

Show and tell (foundation)

(mellow electronic music) - You're looking very delighted. - Oh, it's 'cause I got this amazing new tea maker. - Oh, really? - Yeah. - What's it like? - Well, it's amazing, and it makes all kinds of tea. - No, but what's it really like? - I could show it to you. - No, I want you to show it to me in words. - Oh, I see where you're going with this. Okay, so you put the water in, and it starts to boil. And then when it gets all hot and bubbly and steamy, it actually automatically lowers this tea basket right down into the water, and you can watch through the clear glass pot as the water turns from clear to this perfect shade of brown, because it's making the perfect cup of fresh-brewed tea. And then when it's done brewing, it actually raises the basket back up, and presto, you have this fresh pot of tea. It's perfectly brewed. - Oh, my gosh, it sounds amazing. - It is, I'll make you one after we're done with this lecture. - Oh, thanks, and thanks for actually doing a great job of showing…
