From the course: The Business of Songwriting: First Steps

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In addition to joining a PRO, there's another organization for you to join, SoundExchange. Like BMI, ASCAP, and CSAC, SoundExchange collects royalties on the behalf of copyright owners. Two things make SoundExchange unique, however. First, SoundExchange doesn't collect royalties from terrestrial radio stations. They only collect from newer media sources like satellite radio and internet music streaming services. Prior to 1995, record labels and recording artists were not entitled to royalties for public performance of their recordings on these platforms, largely because those platforms didn't exist. But the Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings Act of 1995 and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 granted a performance right for sound recordings. Copyright law now requires that users of music pay the copyright owner of the sound recording for the public performance of that music via certain kinds of digital transmissions. SoundExchange was started in 2000 to collect…
