From the course: The Business of Songwriting: First Steps

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Selling your music using Square Register and Reader

Selling your music using Square Register and Reader

From the course: The Business of Songwriting: First Steps

Selling your music using Square Register and Reader

When it comes to selling your CDs or other merchandise at your shows, obviously cash has always been a popular transaction method. A fan hands you some cash, and you hand them a CD, and it really doesn't get much easier than that. Unless of course you need to make change, and don't have the proper bills to do so, or if someone who wants to buy the CD doesn't have any cash. For these reasons and others, you should be prepared to accept credit cards at your shows. A lot of people these days don't carry cash, and pay for everything with credit cards. People who do carry cash might want to save it for drinks or their cab ride home. Being able to accept credit cards let's you sell your music to these people instead of just leaving potential money on the table. And unlike in years past, today it's easy for anyone to accept credit card payments for goods and services. This is the Square Reader. It's a tiny credit card swiper that plugs into your iOS or Android device, and pairs with a free…
