From the course: The Business of Songwriting: First Steps

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Registering a song with a PRO

Registering a song with a PRO

As soon as you've written a new song and you know what the splits are, in cases where you've co-written the song, it's in your best interest to register the song with your performance rights organization as soon as possible. Especially in cases where you anticipate your song getting played on the radio, used in a show, or performed live on the road, you'll want to take care of the registration right away. Not doing so is like leaving money on the table. If you're acting as your own publisher, you should register your music yourself. If you've signed a publishing deal, your publisher may complete the registrations on your behalf, but make sure they're doing so. Let's assume you register your own songs. The first step is to register as a songwriter with a PRO, and again, in the U.S. you choices are ASCAP and BMI. As I previously mentioned, SESAC is invitation only. So for example, if you've decided to register with BMI, go to Here, click Join BMI. Next, choose whether…
