From the course: Test Prep: GRE

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Solving incomplete points and equations

Solving incomplete points and equations

From the course: Test Prep: GRE

Solving incomplete points and equations

- [Voiceover] So, sometimes as a GRE problem you're gonna have something that is incomplete so what I mean by that is might have an incomplete point. You might have a point that looks something like (3,t) well, that doesn't tell us very much. Or you might have an equation of a line that's missing something. You might have something like y = 2x + b. So, those are incomplete, we can't graph 'em there's something missing. But I want to point out something about these that often comes in handy. If you have a complete thing and an incomplete thing you can plug them together. So, let me show you what I mean. Let's say I had a complete equation of a line like y= 2x+1. And then I had a point that I didn't know completely. Let's say I had a point and it was called like (a,4). Well, I can solve this complete point if I know that it's on this line by just plugging that point into the equation of a line. So, my x value is a, that's the thing I need to solve for, but I know my y value. So, I'm…
