From the course: Test Prep: GRE

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Review sample GRE argument essay prompt

Review sample GRE argument essay prompt

From the course: Test Prep: GRE

Review sample GRE argument essay prompt

- [Voiceover] So, after you finish the issue essay the argument essay test will begin. This test will ask you to analyze a brief argument and discuss how alternate explanations would affect the arguments strength. In this video I'll show you a typical argument prompt along with typical directions. So, here on the screen, we have the actual argument and down here are the directions. So, let me read the argument for you here. The following appeared in a magazine article about the best places for families to live. Natureville is an ideal choice for families looking for a community to move to, because it has wonderful proximity to nature and has pleasant weather. Another advantage, is that housing costs in Natureville have dropped during the past six months. Also, Natureville's town council has recently implemented new programs to renovate schools and recreational facilities. Finally, families in Nautreville will have easy access to healthcare, since two new hospitals are being built. Ok,…
