From the course: Ten Minutes to Better Prioritization

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Step 3: Find your center

Step 3: Find your center

- Do you realize how much influence you have on your day? You can sway your day towards positive outcomes and productivity by using the power of visualization. In this lesson, I'll show you how to do a mini visioning practice, so you can set an intention for each day. A mini visioning practice is simply imagining what a successful day looks like for you. You'll be surprised how much you can influence the day by taking a 30,000 foot view before you dive in. Take a moment to get a sense of what you have going on for the day. Do you have an important meeting, presentation, or big project that you are working on? Is there a conflict with a team member that you need to resolve? Whatever's on tap for the day, close your eyes and imagine what success looks like for you. It can take less than a minute, but it's a powerful practice because it allows you to imagine how you'd like your day to go before it begins. Not only will you be more intentional, but you'll also be able to set realistic…
