From the course: Telling Stories with Data

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The Discover Journey story method

The Discover Journey story method

From the course: Telling Stories with Data

The Discover Journey story method

- I'll show you another method of telling stories with data, what I call, the Discovery Journey story method. And it has nothing to do with making better charts and graphs, or fancier presentation slides. I'm talking about applying the same techniques you would use when crafting a story with words, things like, a story structure, conflict and resolution, emotion and surprises. This method works by walking your audience through your personal journey of discovery, as you conducted your analysis that led you to your big idea and your recommendation. But, instead of you announcing your discovery at the end, you allow your audience to have the same ah-hah moment of discovery that you had, and come to that conclusion themselves. So, notice a couple of things about this method. First, unlike the how-we-got-here method I talked about in the last video, the main character in this story isn't the business, it's you. Now, what I mean by that is, instead of walking the audience through the data…
