From the course: Technical SEO

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Why canonicalization matters

Why canonicalization matters

From the course: Technical SEO

Why canonicalization matters

- Canonicalization, hard to say, hard to spell, but critically important to avoid duplicate content issues on your website. The idea of a canonical page means that this page is the important, correct, and original one, and all others that may seem similar are copies, and shouldn't be counted. If you have similar pages on your website, indicating which one of those similar pages is canonical can help improve your website's SEO, and help search engine robots avoid wasting time in URLs that you don't want to show up in search results anyway. It's also a very important part of helping search engines understand websites that are translated into multiple languages. And for more details on that, watch the video on helping crawlers understand international websites. You can see an example of the canonical tag on the kick point homepage here. Canonical tags were introduced back in 2009 when the SEU industry was very, very concerned about the idea of duplicate content. Websites were getting…
