From the course: Technical SEO

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Technical SEO tools: Website inspector

Technical SEO tools: Website inspector

From the course: Technical SEO

Technical SEO tools: Website inspector

- One of the most useful tools for technical SEO is Chrome's Website Inspector, also called Chrome Dev Tools. You may have thought it was just for web development, and while that's a really important part of it, technical SEO really draws upon a lot of the same things that a web developer would be looking at when they build a website. To access the inspector your Press F12 or CTRL, plus Shift, plus J on a Windows computer or Command, plus Option, plus C on a Mac. You can also right click on any page and then choose Inspect to be taken right to the code for that element in the tools. This is what the inspector looks like when you first open it. The first thing I would recommend you do is get the doc set up where it'll be useful for you. To do this, click the three dots here at the top of the doc and then choose what side you want it to be on. This is really a personal preference. I like seeing the tools to the right of a website in the same window, like how it's set up right now. The…
