From the course: Teaching with Technology

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Sharing content with your students

Sharing content with your students

From the course: Teaching with Technology

Sharing content with your students

- So you've found or made your content. How do you get it to the students? And not just as a big folder of files, but in a well-organized fashion wrapped in your course context. Here are some ideas that may help students get and make sense of class materials. Use course-specific file names. Be consistent with your syllabus. Organize course materials in an online environment. Alert students when content is uploaded or updated. And consider cultural diversity. Many of you have heard the phrase, what's in a name? How about, what's in a file name? Just as we can't control what students do with paper handouts, we can't control what students will do with digital content when they download it. While it might seem overly simple or sound like extra work, renaming your files supports students who haven't developed their own organizational strategies yet. It'll take you a couple of minutes, but it can save students a lot of time. No matter what the materials are, start the file name with the…
