From the course: Teaching with Technology

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- I want to thank you for joining me throughout this course, Foundations of Teaching with Technology. Let's look at some next steps. First and foremost, I hope you'll keep coming back for ideas and strategies, this course will be here when you need it. If you're looking for other courses that compliment what you've learned here about teaching with technology then here are a few to check out. First, look at these three courses that cover both teaching and technology, iPad Classroom Fundamentals with Laurie Burruss, Instructional Design Essentials: Creating Video Training with Garrick Chow, and Google Apps for Educators with Aaron Quigley. Next, you might just want to know more about a technology I mentioned and how to use it. These three are a good place to start, Screencasting Fundamentals with David Rivers, Learning Management System Fundamentals with Aaron Quigley, and Up and Running with Twitter with Maria Langer, or maybe you want to dive more deeply into teaching and…
