From the course: Teaching with Technology

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Key take-aways

Key take-aways

- As promised, we covered about half a galaxy out of an entire Teaching with Technology universe. I know I have a hard time keeping that much information straight in my head, so I thought I'd put together some key take-away items from this course. First, teaching and learning needs should drive our technology choices. Take a look at your learning outcomes for one of your classes, and see how well they support using technology. Second, Universal Design for Learning principles will guide you in teaching every student. Use technology to support multiple pathways for learning. Third, chances are you are already using technology to share content as a product. It's time to involve students more in the process of sharing content as well. As our students interact with the world, they need to know how to create content in different formats, and use collaborative tools to work with content. Fourth, there are lots of ways to involve students in activities. The students can be in the classroom…
