From the course: Teaching with Technology

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Finding content for your class: Teachers as collage artists

Finding content for your class: Teachers as collage artists

From the course: Teaching with Technology

Finding content for your class: Teachers as collage artists

- As you think about teaching with content or materials in digital formats keep in mind that you don't have to make all that content yourself. If the blank canvas intimidates you, you can start out as a collage artist. What exactly does that mean, for a teacher to be a collage artist? Well it means that you find that in curate collections of digital content related to topics from your class. As a side note, if you want to study some of the most famous collage artists check out the later work of Henri Matisse, what he called his Second Life after his cancer surgery. Photo montages by Hanna Höch, or Paystubs by Jess Collins. When you think of where these famous artists spent their free time you might picture them at a sidewalk café sipping a beverage. Appropriately, we're going to start at a site called MERLOT. MERLOT stands for Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching, trust me MERLOT is easier to remember. More importantly, MERLOT is a curated collection of…
