From the course: Teaching Techniques: Blended Learning

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Open-source tools for blended learning

Open-source tools for blended learning

From the course: Teaching Techniques: Blended Learning

Open-source tools for blended learning

- Thus far in this course, we focused on student engagement, collaboration, and experiences. But now I'd like to turn our attention to the idea of promoting student ownership of the learning process. Blended courses naturally encourage students to take a stronger role in the ownership of their own learning by having a significant portion of the course content delivered online where students need to be more self-reliant and disciplined to complete the work on their own time. For some students, this shift may be as far as they're ready to go, but for others, we can encourage them to go further, but they'll need a different set of tools. A program at the University of Mary Washington called a Domain of One's Own exemplifies this concept of student ownership by giving students their own personal cyber infrastructure. We've duplicated that infrastructure on where you can explore the system for 30 days by signing in with your Google, Facebook, or LinkedIn account. When you sign…
