From the course: Teaching Techniques: Blended Learning

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Finding your blend

Finding your blend

- To find the right blend for your coarse, you'll need to answer the question: When thinking about your students, consider questions such as, what are the specific needs of your students; what is their readiness to learn in a blended format; what is their intrinsic versus extrinsic drive level? If you're already familiar with the students taking your course, then you may have a good idea of the answers to some of these questions. If not, it may be helpful to structure in some readiness evaluations at the beginning of your course, to identify specific knowledge gaps that you may need to address in the early stages of your course. If you find specific technology gaps, a great way to address them is by referring students to specific courses here on the online training library, or seek additional support from you campus instructional designer. The next area to consider are specific physical constraints on your course. What are the specific course learning objectives that need to…
