From the course: Tailwind CSS 3 Essential Training

Using the exercises for this course - CSS Tutorial

From the course: Tailwind CSS 3 Essential Training

Using the exercises for this course

- [Instructor] Tailwind CSS is not a course for beginners. You need to be comfortable with build tools and configurations. In the next chapter I'm going to walk you through a build process that you can use as well as several other ways of dealing with Tailwind CSS 3. To all the exercises in this course, you can go to this URL and you'll get a screen like this, that is these slides that I use in my project. And here there'll be a link down here to the GitHub Repo. This is where all the files that require a built process are. Notice that there are a bunch of branches and each branch shows how the project look at a particular point in a video. So for example, 0502 B would mean that this is how the files looked at the beginning of the fifth chapter and the second video. 0502 E means that's how the files looked at the end of the fifth chapter second video. For almost everything else you can just use the slides. Let me show you how this works. You can see some navigation at the bottom with the link to the GitHub repo, also my courses, and a link to my blog and where you can contact me on LinkedIn or GitHub. There's also a link to this slideshow right here. Now, this little toolbar will way if you hit the T key and you can make a comeback again by hitting the T key. Now, if you hit the M key, you'll see the sidebar up here. And this has all of the videos for the course. So, you can jump to anyone of the videos by going to something like, 0204. When you click on that, it'll take you the slides for that video. Now here, you can use the arrow keys to move forward and backwards through the course. If you see a button that looks like this it means that there's usually a code pan associated with this part of the course and you can just click on it to go to that code pen. Sometimes there'll be code that you can try and there will also will be links to the documentation which you can click on that button as well.
