From the course: Supporting Your Kids' Learning at Home

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Planning a workable schedule

Planning a workable schedule

- A huge advantage of learning from home is scheduling. Now in a traditional classroom, teachers are generally locked in to a plan and fairly rigid schedule, but at home you have a lot more time, space and flexibility to meet your students' individual needs. Instead of a narrow window of 30-ish prescribed hours a week, you now have 168 hours to work with. Got a night owl on your hands? Not a problem, school could start at 10 a.m. rather than 8. Need a two-hour midday siesta? Take it, you could regroup in the afternoon. You can focus on mastery learning over just checking off the box. Maybe that math concept's taking longer than the 50 minutes you'd plan? Don't worry about it, spend some extra time on it, or even set it aside and come back later. Now all this flexibility of course depends on your school's policies. If regular online classes have been scheduled, you'll need to work around those of course, but that still…
