From the course: Supporting Your Kids' Learning at Home

Discovering options for learning at home

From the course: Supporting Your Kids' Learning at Home

Discovering options for learning at home

- Hey there, I'm Corbin. - And I'm Kat. Between the two of us, we have decades of experience as teachers in traditional schools, virtual schools, and, of course, working with our own kids at home, just like you've likely been doing since the COVID-19 experience began. - Now, despite having had plenty of practice working with our own kids at home, right after we agreed to create this course, I thought, what have we done? We are by no means experts in this area. And, in fact, some days it seems like we have no idea what we're doing. - True story. For every great idea we share in this course, we probably tried at least 10 other things that were complete flops. But through trial and error, we've developed a lot of techniques, tips and tricks that have worked out well for us. We'd like to share some of these things with you in hopes that you can glean some helpful practices and make them your own, or at least learn from our mistakes so that you don't have to repeat them. - Now, we obviously don't know your specific situation or your kids' learning needs or even how your school is handling things. So we've done our best to cover all the scenarios, whether that be working with a traditional brick-and-mortar school, a virtual school, or even just going it on your own as a homeschooler. - So let's jump in and take a look at supporting your kids' learning at home.
