From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Risk and Resilience

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Create a culture of resilience

Create a culture of resilience

- What is your company culture? What words would you use to describe it? Is it collaborative, supportive, aggressive, innovative? Culture refers to the beliefs and behaviors that determine how a company's employees and management interact. I find a good way of looking at culture is to ask the question what do people do in the absence of instruction when they're under a bit of pressure. A supply chain risk management culture is critical for improving supply chain resilience. It needs to be developed and communicated from the top of the business as vision value practices and a narrative and permeate across the organization. A supply chain risk management culture ensures anyone making decisions will ask one important question. How will this impact the overall risk profile of my supply chain? Some decisions individuals make may increase risk. Others may reduce risk, but understanding the appetite for risk within the business…
