From the course: Success Habits

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Worry, laziness, and impatience

Worry, laziness, and impatience

From the course: Success Habits

Worry, laziness, and impatience

- I think the two biggest emotional barriers to success at anything, you could think of them as anti-success habits. Probably worry, which is part of fear, and impatience, which is related to anger. So let's have a look at what these are and what can be done. Like all negative emotions, we allow these feelings to persist because we feel that there's a benefit to them. In the case of worry and fear, the benefit that we think we'll get is to avoid mistakes. And of course, caution can be a good idea before taking on big commitments. But often worry is a substitute for planning. And fear just leads to failure to take action. Or at least a failure to look at the situation logically, and to analyze the best course of action. So realizing that worry and fear are not helpful is the first step. And then you can consciously try to push them out of your mind. And remember that action cures fear. As soon as you've got all the facts and made a plan, you'll feel much better. Worrying about things…
