From the course: Substance Designer: Material Techniques

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Introduction to procedural sculpting

Introduction to procedural sculpting

- [Instructor] You may have heard of the term procedural modeling, or procedural sculpting across 3D articles and can't quite wrap your head around it. In short, it's a method of sculpting or modeling a 3D mesh non-destructively using layers or nodes or any tools your 3D package offers with rules, settings, and variables. For example if you sculpt a model in Zbrush you're making changes in the model in the 3D environment as an artist. Modeling the arm and the head and so on and so forth in 3D. In a procedural approach you would literally add objects and then modify it through adding settings in variables et cetera. You would never touch the model perse therefore using a procedural approach, so this is what we do when we model in Substance Designer. And when you work in Substance Designer you typically start by modeling or sculpting the mesh to fit the end result of the material. Then you add colors and finally some effects and final touches after and we'll take a look at the nodes and…
