From the course: Substance Designer 2020 Essential Training

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- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to look at a node that can be extremely useful for creating the look of depth in a material surface and that excels at adding the kind of small details that can really enhance a finished texture. This being the normal node, which allows us to fake the look of height in a material for use in either game engines, where runtime speed is super important or for adding really find details in a material where we're not able to increase displacement enough in order to generate a pleasing look. So now, how do we use this node? Coming to our number six navigation pin in our graph, we see that we have a normal node created and ready to go. Now, double clicking on the node to gain access to its controls, we see that we actually have very little that we can do in order to affect the output of our normals. We can adjust the intensity value and as we do so, we increase the fake height…
