From the course: Substance Designer 2018 Essential Training

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The basics of an MDL shader

The basics of an MDL shader

- [Narrator] The first thing that we will determine about our new MDL material here are the basics of how it will process any reflection and lighting data that it receives. To do this, we need to set up a BSDF, BSDF stands for Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Function, which although sounding like quite a mouthful, is simply a function that decides how light and reflections are scattered across the surface of geometry. Now it should be noted that this is usually split into two operations and has initialisms that you may be more familiar with if you come from using materials in DCC applications, such as Houdini and 3DS Max. These two operations being reflectance and transmittance, so BRDF and BTDF. In this instance, though, our BSDF node will, in simple terms, combine the two functions we just mentioned and use the incoming and outgoing light angles in order to decide how light on an object's surface should be scattered. Let's create our BSDF by firstly making sure that we have…
