From the course: Substance Designer 2018 Essential Training

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Exposing substance parameters

Exposing substance parameters

- [Instructor] Exposing parameters in a finished material is probably one of the most powerful parts of the Substance Designer Workflow. Simply because it gives the final texture artist the ability to completely change how the final material looks, according to the needs of the project. This also means that people who may not actually be texture artists, such as level designers, et cetera, can also change how the texture looks inside the game level or final rendered scene, without ever having to get the original texture artist involved. Now obviously each studio has its own workflow and changes may need to be pre-approved, but even if the original texture artist is asked to make the changes, having exposed parameters means that he or she can make them right away, there and then, without ever having to come back into Substance Designer at all. Now, we only have time to expose a couple of parameters in this particular video, but one thing that I will also show is how to link multiple…
