From the course: Substance Designer 2018 Essential Training

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Adding finishing touches

Adding finishing touches

- [Narrator] It will sometimes be the case that in order to make certain materials look really good, we will need to add surface displacement to the mix. Now, although most of what we look at here is not substance-specific, there is one extra step that we will need to take in connection with a substance in order to gain access to its height data. You may have, perhaps, noticed that when we imported the material into Unreal and created all of the map nodes, there was one missing, that being height. Let's gain access to that now, though, by double-clicking on the substance file and then putting a check in the Height option. This will now compute and add add a height map to our Content Browser. We can then double-click the material so as to open it up, and then left-click and drag on its tab header so that we can see both the Content Browser and the material graph at the same time, if we need to. It may take a while for the height map to compute, as we did increase our texture resolution…
