From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results

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Resilience as a tool for leadership

Resilience as a tool for leadership

- We've all gotten caught before, not only in states of doubt or confusion, but other contracted emotional states, such as anxiety. If you're a leader, you're going to experience setbacks. And so as a result, knowing a sense of internal resilience is extremely important. So what is resilience really? Resilience is our ability to move from a fear based contracted state into one of peace. So when we are resilient, we fully experience whatever is there for us emotionally in the moment. We welcome it, we allow it to come, we allow it to go, to move through our bodies, so that we don't get stuck inside of that. That way it can begin to dissipate. And then what we do is that we engage certain practices, that we're going to be talking more about in the next chapter, to move ourselves, from that fear based state to a peace based state. One where we can think clearly, where we can dispel doubt and confusion. One where…
