From the course: Storytelling for Leadership (beta)

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Where a good story begins

Where a good story begins

Why does your company exist? Why do you do what you do? Why should anyone do what you ask? In our jobs we know what we do: We fill out Excel sheets or make presentations, generate reports, paint walls, sell clothes, take care of people. Every organization in the world knows what they do: some sell things, some make things. I sell furniture, you make cars, I take care of people with special needs, you provide me with the material that will make my job easier. Some of us know how we do things because we we faithfully follow a set of values and a way of working. If I sell furniture, I do it in an honest way that fits the customer's needs. If you manufacture cars, maybe you do it with attention to the smallest detail by making cars that are very safe and also very beautiful. cars that are very safe and also very beautiful. But what almost no one is clear about is why we do what we do. Why do I make those reliable and safe cars? Why do I sell furniture by adapting to the needs of the…
