From the course: Storytelling for Leadership (beta)

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How to practice your stories and naratives

How to practice your stories and naratives

From the course: Storytelling for Leadership (beta)

How to practice your stories and naratives

The preparation of your narratives and stories will take time, requiring hours of practice. Practice is the repetition of an action in order to improve the way we perform a task in order to do it more confidently, easily and calmly. So take your story and work on it, polish it, learn it, memorize it, improve it, record it. Good preparation reduces anxiety. Faced with the task of telling stories or presenting them, there are people who get nervous, who are afraid, who feel insecure. Well, I believe that we should use our personal insecurities not as weaknesses but as not as weaknesses, but as strengths that drive us to practice again and again to want to do better. Because let's face it: many of the people you've heard telling stories that have heard telling stories that have captivated you, and many successful people in business and many musicians are insecure. Actors with great experience and experience explain that they always, always before going on stage they get a little nervous,…
