From the course: Sound Design for Motion Graphics

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Working with sound in the Waveform Editor

Working with sound in the Waveform Editor

From the course: Sound Design for Motion Graphics

Working with sound in the Waveform Editor

- We're going to continue adding and shaping sounds to fit the graphics for our sequence. In this movie, we'll use the Waveform Editor to get an up-close and personal look at our clips, and we'll use effects to alter those clips. All while maintaining sync with our main video. So I want to enhance the animation that happens on this upstroke and downstroke text. Now, if I hit play, you can watch the upstroke blinks in green and the downstroke blinks in blue. Now I'll watch it one more time, and I want to have some sort of sound effect that emphasizes that blinking. Ok, so I've added two sound effects, I'll unmute their tracks, on the beeps tracks, now these are getting close to what I want, but we're going to use the Waveform Editor to make them match even better. So this is what they sound like. It's actually the same clip happening twice, one is when the upstroke text blinks, and the second one happens when the downstroke text blinks. And it's the same sound effect I used initially…
