Do curso: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training

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Mating parts with Advanced Mates

Mating parts with Advanced Mates

- In most assemblies, your basic mate tools work just fine. However, sometimes you have a more complicated situation and you need to bring in the big guns and those aren't the advanced mate commands. So if you head up here under mate, which is right here. And that should pop up this window here and you can see we have their standard mates, but we also have the advanced mates right above it as well as mechanical and analysis as well. But go ahead and click on advanced right now. And the first one I wonna show you is the profile center one. That allows us to take like a shape like this and put a dead center inside of another shape or another profile. And this does a lot of work for us. So if I choose this face here, spin it around and choose that face there, it just automatically puts those two things in the center of each other. We have the ability to flip that if you'd like, which is pretty cool. And then we can also…
