From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training

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Interface improvements for SOLIDWORKS 2022

Interface improvements for SOLIDWORKS 2022 - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training

Interface improvements for SOLIDWORKS 2022

- [Instructor] Each year SolidWorks improves the software and SolidWorks 2022 it's no exception. A couple of the features that I really think are pretty handy are this one right here, is if we click on the S command on your keyboard, you get this little popup window, that is your Shortcut Bar. And this has been the SolidWorks for a long time now. But now notice you've got the ability to search for all commands right in the bottom of that little dialogue box. It's always been right up here at the top of the screen. Well not always, but it's been there for quite a while. But now again it's just going to save you a little bit of time. You don't have to go up to the top of the screen wherever you're at. That shortcut bar is context sensitive, so if I'm over here I hit S it just pops up right at my keyboard, type in whatever command I'm looking for and boom you're right into that feature. So that's pretty handy and saves you a little…
