From the course: Software Architecture: From Developer to Architect

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Train and coach: Others

Train and coach: Others

- [Instructor] Anna and Anton both stay up to date with industry trends and new technologies. They know when a new technology is ready to be applied to their applications and how the technology can benefit their applications. But that's not the end of the story. To be a good architect, Anna and Anton need to share that information with others and coach them on how to use it. Anna has picked a new piece of technology, a cloud service management library called CloudyAPI, that she wants to start using in the construction of her application. She has learned that technology and understands how it can be used to help her teams work. She's experimented with it and has some ideas on how it can be used effectively. Now Anna's focus must shift. If she wants to successfully integrate the new technology into her application, she must educate and train her team to understand how the new technology might help. Anna has been…
