From the course: Social Selling: Reaching Prospects

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Using LinkedIn

Using LinkedIn

- At the time of writing this course, in August 2020, LinkedIn has more than 706 million users across more than 200 countries, and that's always growing. Considering that, the person you're looking for is probably going to have a LinkedIn profile. So let's try and find them. Let's say we've already decided on who we're targeting in terms of businesses and roles. Now, we have two choices. We can either search directly for them using LinkedIn search bar or we can go to the businesses page and scroll through, searching manually. If they're not too big, that's the one I prefer to do, so I can get a feel for who else is there. Let's start with the first option. Something that's great about LinkedIn search bar is that we don't actually need the name of the person. You can search by business or title, or both. You can even search broadly for say, financial director, and then filter it down further from there. People often have…
