From the course: Smarter Workflows with InDesign and Word

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Resources for Word and InDesign help

Resources for Word and InDesign help

- [Instructor] Okay, where can you learn more? First, let me go through some recommended LinkedIn Learning courses and then I'll tell you about a couple outside of LinkedIn Learning resources that I used a lot, especially when researching up-to-date information for this title. First, of course, (instructor laughing) is one of my own courses. Look, there's me in the introduction. "InDesign Tips for Design Geeks." This is a weekly course. A new tip comes out every Friday and a variety of tips. So it's not all about Word, but I do often talk about Word. Like I think I have how to add a text frame to the middle of a text thread. Check this one out, how to convert an InDesign layout to Word format. So you might want to follow that course here, "InDesign Tips for Design Geeks." And then I talked in a couple of the videos in this course about my course called "Collaborative Workflows for Editors and Designers." When…
