From the course: Skills to Build Stronger Work Relationships

Emotional fitness starts with you

From the course: Skills to Build Stronger Work Relationships

Emotional fitness starts with you

- People often come to me and ask how they can help their colleagues or manager or boss be more emotionally thoughtful or healthy, but the secret is it all starts with you. Since we each only have control over ourself, the best place to start is our own mental and emotional health. By taking this course, you've done a huge service to everyone you interact with. Think back to the different tools we've learned together and imagine where you might be able to implement those emotional push-ups. In fact, stop now and pick at least one emotional push-up to practice today. You'll be surprised at how eager people are to join you when they see you lead by example. If you want to keep your emotional fitness routine going, check out my company Coa,, which is a gym for mental health, head to my website,, or find me on Twitter. I'm so incredibly passionate about this work because I've seen the impact it can make. Keep flexing those feels and breaking an emotional sweat, and I promise you, you will notice a difference in your relationships at work and at home.
