From the course: Six Sigma: Black Belt

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Overview of the Six Sigma Analyze phase

Overview of the Six Sigma Analyze phase - Minitab Tutorial

From the course: Six Sigma: Black Belt

Overview of the Six Sigma Analyze phase

- The analyze phase in Six Sigma is what makes DMAIC projects so powerful. During this phase, the purpose is to determine which Xs are the key factors that impact the problem Y. In short, which key Xs belong in Y=f(x)? Remember, here are the five steps in the analyze phase. First, generate a list of potential Xs that impact Y. Next, organize the potential Xs. Then compile a short list and select the likely key Xs. Next, develop a data collection plan for the analysis. And last, you need to prove the key Xs in Y=f(x). So let's build on what was covered in the green belt training by focusing on step five. In this chapter, we'll explore the statistical tools needed to prove or disprove the key Xs. We'll go beyond the why, when, and what, focusing on why use a tool, when to use it, and what the results mean. We'll build on those elements and also include the how. How to carry out the different hypothesis tests, and how to…
