From the course: Six Sigma: Black Belt

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Full-factorial experiments

Full-factorial experiments - Minitab Tutorial

From the course: Six Sigma: Black Belt

Full-factorial experiments

- After screening has been done to narrow down the list of key X factors, either during the analyze phase or from a screening experiment, a full factorial DOE allows you to model using those key Xs to optimize Y. 2k full factorial designs provide the means to fully understand all the effects of the factors, from main effects to interactions. For example, to determine the effects of sleep, study time, and exam room temperature on test scores, a two to the power of three factorial design was conducted. Here are the settings for the three variables. The experiment was run twice, so we say that there were two replicates. Now, let's set up a DOE using Minitab. To get started, open up Minitab with a new worksheet. We have to create a worksheet for the DOE. To do that, go up to Stat menu, DOE. Since you're doing factorial designs, you'll choose Factorial and Create Factorial Design. We have three factors in our experiment, so select three. We want a 2k full factorial design, so we select…
