From the course: Side Hustle Strategies for Data Science and Analytics Experts

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The growing market for university-affiliated data science teaching and curriculum development

The growing market for university-affiliated data science teaching and curriculum development

From the course: Side Hustle Strategies for Data Science and Analytics Experts

The growing market for university-affiliated data science teaching and curriculum development

- If you're a practicing data scientist with some experience, you might be a candidate to teach for a university, even if you don't have a PhD. Back in my 20s, I seriously considered getting a PhD. I even picked out a school and a program and relocated to a new state. At the time, most data scientists that were considering a PhD would've chosen statistics or something closely related to statistics. My career ultimately went in a different direction, and for that reason I thought that university teaching would never be something that I could do. It turns out that it's not true. I know a number of instructors that, like me, teach based on their work experience in data science and not a PhD. Many have master's, but even that is not an absolute requirement. Now, virtually all data science full-time faculty have PhDs, but many part-time instructors do not. Why? Well, there's over 2,000 academic programs in data science…
