From the course: Side Hustle Strategies for Data Science and Analytics Experts

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Finding your niche in the international training marketplace

Finding your niche in the international training marketplace

From the course: Side Hustle Strategies for Data Science and Analytics Experts

Finding your niche in the international training marketplace

- If you're a working data scientist, there's someone out there that needs to learn some of the things that you already know. A major transition in my own career is when I started doing statistics software training. I started out with teaching an introductory software course but worked my way up from there. Let's list some of the training options that are out there in the current environment. You've got vendor training, which is how I get started. A newer option is these bootcamps and academies, particularly with R and Python, conference training, perhaps offering training either before or after training in a workshop. Overseas training can be an interesting option. And then increasingly, university extension, and continuing ed options in data science have been exploding. Almost 25 years ago now, I started out in vendor software training. It was an exciting opportunity for me. I had already been using SPSS for about five…
