From the course: Shooting Video with an iPhone

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Portable and affordable video lighting solutions

Portable and affordable video lighting solutions - iOS Tutorial

From the course: Shooting Video with an iPhone

Portable and affordable video lighting solutions

- [Presenter] When it comes to capturing video with your iPhone, it's extremely important to have lighting to help you tell your story. One of the best rules of thumb is that if you don't have access to a lot of lights, is to use as much natural lighting as possible. So if you're outdoors, this is going to be great for you, especially during the day, even on overcast days, to have the best quality iPhone content possible. You can see this in some of the slow motion examples, as well as the exteriors that we shot of the restaurant within The Pine. We use these Aputure EZ Boxes, which have been discontinued, but there are other products that you can check out on the Aputure store. I also had a small rig portable LED light, which had quite a lot of intensity to just boost out a lot of white natural light. In situations where you don't have access to professional lights, another company to check out besides SmallRig, which has a number of other portable LED video lights, so that will go…
