SharePoint: Site Customization Vorschau

SharePoint: Site Customization

Mit Bill Kulterman 559 Mitgliedern gefällt das
Dauer: 1 Std. 31 Min. Niveau: Mittlere Kenntnisse Veröffentlicht am: 28.4.2022


If you’re a SharePoint site owner, you may not realize how many options for configuration you have at your disposal. You can control the look and functionality of the SharePoint sites you manage. In this course, Bill Kulterman shows you how to customize your SharePoint site to better fit your company's brand and optimize your team's workflow.

Get simple customization tips to add navigation, apply out-of-the-box themes, create and edit pages, change layouts, and insert elements such as backgrounds, images, and custom colors. Learn how to add and work with Web Parts to provide more functionality and a better user experience. From images and documents, to lists, shared calendars, and quick links, Bill teaches you the skills you need to get the most out of SharePoint and its many important, customizable features.

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1.022 Bewertungen
  • 5 Sterne
    Aktueller Wert: 832 81 %
  • 4 Sterne
    Aktueller Wert: 153 15 %
  • 3 Sterne
    Aktueller Wert: 30 3 %
  • 2 Sterne
    Aktueller Wert: 3 1 %
  • 1 Sterne
    Aktueller Wert: 4 1 %



  • Praktische Übungen 1 Übungsdatei
  • Wissenstests 3 Tests
  • Lernen auch unterwegs Zugriff via Tablet und Handy

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