From the course: Scrum: The Basics

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Write user stories

Write user stories

- We've talked about themes and features as groupings of work. These are really useful constructs to help us get organized, but they're still too big for a team to work on and deliver value in small timeframes. The people we're developing for are customers or users, each interaction they have with our product is a use case that tells the team a story about how they're going to use our product. We call these User Stories, and this is the level of detail we need to know what to deliver. The user story then is the tactical level of work that can be delivered quickly. At the same time, they're not so small that they deliver no value. Anyone on the team can write user stories, but it's usually the PO. As the stakeholder and representative for the customer, it's their duty to ensure everything in the backlog adds value for the customer. So they usually write the user stories. When writing user stories…
